Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Cave, the Stronghold, and the Forest-Part V ( A Series by brother Joel)

(Continues from the last time)
Does the fear to fail hold us captive in our strongholds and are so afraid to venture out? This kind of fear may seem very reasonable and logical but it is lethal. You see, in Psalms it says that even though a righteous falls six times, he or she raises seven times.It is human to fail. That means it doesn't matter if a possibility of a failure is a part of the move we feel in our spirits compelled to make. If we never failed then we cease to be flesh and blood. Who knows you are going to succeed at the first move or not?! Many others have and so are those who failed. It is a known fact that many things that we enjoy their usefulness in today's world resulted from people who succeeded to invent them after multiple failures; some after 100 attempts, others after two attempts. What if the person who succeeded at the 100th attempt had quit at the 99th failure? We wouldn't have automobiles today! Telephones as well! I understand , we, Pentecostals, paint failing at something as a weakness but that is not Scriptural. We have given the enemy a tool to use against us.( I wish i had much time to get into details regarding this topic at this moment ; i pray i will some day be able to). What i have learned from many 'failures' i have experienced is that, i was never the same after the experience. I was a better person not because of my failure but rather my courage to do what i attempted to accomplish. There are no promises that a child of God will never fail at something but there are many promises that God will be with those who obey Him. This planet of full of people who have great ideas and opinions as to how things should be done but never made an attempt to act on them. God help us not to be in that lot!
God never fails but we do fail and He is well aware of that. We are so proud and try so hard to be sub-humans whom we're not.It is encouraged to walk, talk and think like people who are perfect but down deep inside we know we are not.It is all a facade! The New Testament never intended to imply that 'we should be PERFECT as our Father in heaven is' but rather 'we should walk in maturity as Christ did'. I will never forget an old man who has been used by God to heal many people, he said he has no recollection at what point people started to get healed after he prayed for them. He believes it must be after he prayed for more than 100 people and none of them experienced any healing. He kept obeying the word of God in Mk. 16.Thank God he did not give up! One time i was invited to preach in a certain small church and in after much preparation to my disappointment the service was canceled after my arrival at the church. I was really discouraged; not in anyone, but my self. I asked God what is wrong with me that i was completely clueless that i was not going to preach that day.I told myself if i was spiritual enough i should have discerned in spirit and would have known ahead of time that it was going to be canceled. I felt like a failure.However, one day it down on me that i am a spiritual being who is still housed in this house made of flesh and blood. I am not Mr. Omniscient. I am limited and feeble.I am not all-knowing. God is though and that is enough. I can trust Him. Time will come that we will be freed from this body but while still in this world we are limited and failure at some times is an avoidable. There is no need to stay in the stronghold because of fear to fail.We must learn quick from our failures and forget them. This is the only 'good amnesia'.
To be continued next week...

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